The main findings and insights reported in this monograph center on the conceptualization of CM operationalized in five dimensions - (a) the catechists (b) the
catechetical leaders, (c) the catechized, (d) catechetical formation programs, and (e) catechetical human resources. The first two dimensions describe the experiences and challenges of selected catechist and catechetical leader respondents. The third dimension, the “catechized”, generally refers to the “recipients of catechesis” pertaining to selected Filipino Catholics who received any form of catechesis. The catechetical formation programs, the fourth dimension, direct attention to the educational and training experiences of catechists. The fifth dimension examines the catechetical human resources relative to CM organizational contexts, welfare, and well-being of those involved in this ministry.

Know more about our research findings through our website = https://www.ncs2021pariproject.com/katekista-findings-insights